International Examinations
Overseas Farriers
It is possible to arrange a DipWCF, AWCF or FWCF exam at an overseas location, provided there is sufficient demand. To date the Company has delivered its examinations across six different international sites. This has allowed foreign Farriers, who would otherwise be unable to travel to the UK, greater accessibility to achieving the Company gold-standard and the prestigious Worshipful Company of Farrier’s post-nominals.
Company exams arranged overseas will always be centrally managed by the Registrar. Details of international sites can be found on the respective Company webpages. We seek to accommodate all those wishing to take the exam at the time and place most convenient to them. Nevertheless, it should be noted that there is a minimum candidate limit which must always be met to ensure that the exam breaks even on its costs.
International WCF exam locations

The Farriers Registration Act covers England, Wales and Scotland.
Any territories outside of these are classed as international/overseas.
International examinations tend to attract a higher candidate fee than those in the UK. The extra costs cover the additional administration and outgoing expenditure associated with overseas logistics. Additionally the international exam hosts themselves tend to levy a charge for use of their venue. Candidates must liaise directly with the hosts to make any necessary payments.
Company Ceremonies
Candidates who pass the Company examinations, and their families and friends, are warmly invited to attend a formal Presentation Ceremony in the City of London.
Requirements for International Exam Sites:
All the details for a new international exam site should be provided so that it can be assessed for suitability. The Board of Examiners need to be wholly satisfied that exam forges meet the Worshipful Company of Farriers standards of exam service provision and the integrity of the invigilation process. The Company’s decision on suitability of international sites is final. If you would like to propose a new site then please follow these steps:
- Identify a forge that is both acceptable to the WCF and willing to host their exam. The Company does not pay international sites for venue use. It is down to the host to make their own arrangements with candidates for use of the venue.
- Decide your preferred dates for the exam. All international exams must be planned at least 12 months in advance.
- Ask the Registrar to perform a costing exercise to determine the minimum number of candidates needed for the exam to run.
- Once the Company and hosts are in agreement then the examination can proceed and exam places will become open for bookings.
Requirements for International Candidates
In Great Britain there is an organisation called the Farrier’s Registration Council (FRC). The FRC keep a Register of Farriers of all people who have passed the Worshipful Company of Farrier exams. They also give permission to overseas Farriers to do farriery work within Great Britain.
Any candidates sitting the exams overseas are required to provide the following documents:-
- Proof of identity (copy of photo page and outer cover of passport)
- Evidence of national or other farriery qualification(s) / training courses completed, including copies of the pass certificate(s).
- Evidence to substantiate six (6) years continuous, regular and gainful experience as a farrier, the experience is to be accrued solely outside of GB. Of the six (6) years’ experience up to a maximum of four (4) years to have been spent in a nationally recognised farriery training scheme, such as an apprenticeship.
Suitable evidence may include; at least two (2) written references (signed, dated and on headed notepaper) to substantiate their continuous, regular and gainful experience.- In the case of a self-employed farrier the references should normally be from an Accountant and a Veterinary Practitioner;
- In the case of an employed farrier the references should normally be from the Employer and a Veterinary Practitioner.
- You will need to include an English translation of the references.
*Note: Success in the Diploma of the Worshipful Company of Farriers (DipWCF) taken outside of GB, does not mean that you will automatically be entered into the Register of Farriers to work or establish yourself permanently as a farrier within GB. All applications for registration should be directed to the Farriers Registration Council (FRC).
*Note: If your online card transaction fails for an international exam, it is usually your bank stopping the transaction. If not, it may also be that you are not inserting the billing address of your credit card correctly, as this address must be identical to the card billing address for authorisation to be approved by your bank. If you ring the bank and authorise the payment, and ensure your address details are exactly correct, the payment system will then work. If you do not receive an immediate e-mail from the WCF, which is a referenced receipt, then the payment has not gone through and you will need to follow the procedure outlined above.
Further Information
*For further information about overseas Farriers who are interested in future WCF examinations, contact the Registrar & Craft Secretary.